Project 40% Extra
JTEC Radiowave Extra 300L

I will be competing in IMAC this year (2009) and wanted to fly a 40% airframe. Thanks to my good friend Cam, he found this incredible bird for sale on RC Universe. Just so happened I was in the area where the aircraft was on business and was able to drop by and check the model out for myself. It was so nice I could not pass it up. I purchased the JTEC Extra pretty much ready to fly and brought it back home to the Team Kennedy shop. I went through the airframe from nose to tail as you will see here and the result is a beautiful Team Kennedy Extra ready for competition.
N 1744
New Extra loaded in SkyLab ready for maiden
Both 50cc Extra and 40% Extra loaded in trailer
Bryan with Extra ready for maiden flight
2/15/09 Maiden flight

First take off, plane needed very little trim. My good friend Cameron made the first couple of flights checking out what we might need to do in the way of trim or mix. We determined that I needed to shift as much weight forward as we could.

When placing the aircraft in a inverted 45 degree it wanted to climb to the belly.
Also noticed on the first flight that the rudder seemed very non responsive. When we landed and started checking things out found that one of the two JR 8611 servos had died. This meant that only one servo was working that huge rudder. (Not Good). Cameron ran back to his shop and brought back another 8611 and I changed it out. This was much better.

I put a few more flights on the plane working on touch and go's. This airplane flys very stable and graceful.

I packed up and headed her back to the hanger to start moving the weight forward.
As of end of June 2009 I have competed in two IMAC contests. I am really enjoying the competition. I placed 4th in Williamson GA. and placed 6th at the recent contest at my home field GMA. Below are a few pictures complements of Jerry Smith taken at the most recent contest.
Cathy and I after the last round on the way back to the trailer, What a weekend!!
Jerry captured a very good landing shot, you can see where I touched down.
I thought this was a great shot. Jerry said " well you got the stab on straight"
Have to give special thanks to Monty at Planewrappers.com If you don't have one of these fantastic covers you need one. He even designed me a Team Kennedy scheme cover. Great work Monty... Thanks